Help To Heat Scheme

The Help To Heat Scheme is a government initiative aimed at improving the energy efficiency of households and making them cheaper to heat. The program includes a variety of programs and funding

The Help To Heat Scheme is a government initiative aimed at improving the energy efficiency of households and making them cheaper to heat. The program includes a variety of programs and funding opportunities to help homeowners, low-income households, and social housing providers implement energy-saving measures. Here are the key elements of the scheme:

Boiler upgrade scheme:

This program provides grants to property owners to install low-carbon heating systems such as heat pumps. The subsidies are intended to promote the use of more energy-efficient heating technologies.

Home Upgrade Grant (HUG):

The HUG program focuses on providing low-carbon heating and energy savings to low-income households living in off-grid gas homes in the UK. It aims to combat energy poverty and contribute to the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. The HUG grant is awarded to local governments for the successful implementation of the program.

Sustainable Warmth Competition:

The Sustainable Warmth Competition is a funding program that helps local governments retrofit energy-intensive homes for low-income UK households. Funding is granted through different programs depending on whether the homes are heated by mains gas (Local Authority Delivery Phase 3) or off-grid gas (Home Upgrade Grant Phase 1 and 2).

Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund:

The Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, which aims to modernize the supply of social housing in the UK, is currently below an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) D rating. The fund supports local governments, combined authorities, registered social housing providers and registered charities owning social housing. Improvements include measures such as exterior wall and loft insulation, energy-efficient doors and windows, heat pumps and solar panels.

Energy Company Obligation (ECO):

The Energy Company Obligation is a requirement to energy suppliers to help households reduce heating costs in their homes by installing energy-saving measures. Different energy providers offer different levels of support and upgrade types, requirements should be checked with the specific energy company near you.

The Help to Heat program aims to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy bills and tackle fuel poverty in the UK. It provides financial support through grants, contests and partnerships with installers, local governments, energy companies and other organizations.

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