Solar Power in the Amazon

A not-for-profit (with some funding from the Welsh government!) has successfully introduced solar technology in some of the most remote areas of Ecuador.
A not-for-profit (with some funding from the Welsh government!) has successfully introduced solar technology in some of the most remote areas of Ecuador.  Solar boats are removing the need for traditional petrol engines, replacing them as main form of transport for 12 indigenous Achuar communities along the Chilean boarder.
Thanks for the vision and action of Kara Solar’s founder, Oliver Utne, 9 boats now carry groups of up to 20 people up and down the Wichimi River without the noise, pollution, or logistical challenges created by petrol-powered boats.
The key to their success though has been community engagement. The boats and supporting infrastructure (including power charging stations) are installed, managed, run and maintained by local tribes, who have been trained up so the communities are self-sufficient.
This is a wonderful example of local people embracing change and new technologies to improve their own slice of the Amazon, and help protect the planet.
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