I don’t want all the things. What can I get?

Eco4 takes what’s called a whole-house approach to improving your energy efficiency, which means lower bills and a toasty warm house, with reduced environment impact. For some people, it’s just not right for their personal situation though. 
For people in Council tax banding A-E (Scotland & Wales) or A-D (England) with a current EPC in place, you can instead get a single measure of insulation. That means either your roof (loft, flat roof or room in roof) or your walls can be insulated. There are a few conditions though, you’ll need to be homeowner, unless your tenant is on means-teste benefits.
If that sounded a bit confusing, the good news is we are here to help. Call Ecogen on ….. and one of our assessors will talk you through your options. 
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